

It has long been the mantra of City Hall Essentials that education is crucial, "because informed city officials make better decisions." Rather than expend limited public resources remedying preventable errors, City Hall Essentials prefers that municipalities routinely invest in training.

Our services include:

  • Conducting comprehensive webinars and seminars open to municipal personnel from across the State of Texas;
  • Customized seminars crafted solely for a particular city addressing specific topics;
  • Arranging for one-on-one coaching for a particular individual or department; or
  • Providing speakers to present at educational events that are organized and hosted by other groups.
In recent years, audiences have ranked these topics the highest:

  • Open Government
  • Social Media
  • Personnel Law
  • Land Use Law
  • Customer Service
  • Parliamentary Procedure 
  • Economic Development
  • Conducting Better Meetings
  • Ethics & Codes of Conduct

Additional Services

When elected leaders or city departments need the help of municipal experts, City Hall Essentials provides that expertise.